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Όροι Χρήσης

Our agency service

Our placement service refers exclusively to job placement.
Our clients are doctors looking for a new job. Our service is free for all clients. Our customers are clinics, practices and medical care centers (MVZ). Our service is chargeable to all customers only in case of success. This means that if one of our clients gets into work with one of our clients through our brokerage, we will charge a brokerage fee for our customer. The conditions with indication of the accruing agency fees are communicated as a document separately by email to our customer in advance.

If you no longer wish our placement service
If you no longer wish to receive job offers or would no longer like to use our placement service, you can always inform us via LinkedIn or email / phone (


This privacy statement is valid since 25.05.2018. Jessica Kluge - Senior Consultant takes your privacy and the protection of your personal information seriously. In compliance with data protection regulations, we process your personal data only if permitted by law or if you have given your consent. This Privacy Policy describes the collection, use, disclosure, storage and protection of your personal information.


Jessica Kluge, Mueßerstraße 7, 19086 Consrade, Germany, is the operator of (hereinafter the "Website") and the person responsible for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO). If in this privacy policy of "we" or "our" is mentioned, this is always Jessica Kluge meant as responsible. When using the word "you" we mean our clients. We alone are responsible for the collection, use, transfer, storage and protection of your personal data.

This Privacy Policy describes the collection, use, disclosure, storage and protection of your personal information. It applies to this website, regardless of how you access or use this website, including access through mobile devices. We may change this Privacy Policy at any time by posting the amended version on this site, including the effective date of the amended version. We will then announce any material changes to this privacy policy by e-mail.

What personal data we collect, use and store

What personal data we collect, use and store
1. Web form:
By voluntarily entering information into our web form under the tab "Application" you provide us with the following personal data for use, processing and storage: • Data that identifies you personally, such as your name, phone numbers, e-mail address, place of residence, and country of origin:
• Information about your desired medical position
• Information about the subject you are looking for
• Information about your desired work location
• Information about your language skills
• Information about your desired start of work
• Your documents as an attachment

2. LinkedIn:
By contacting us via LinkedIn you show us that you are interested in our placement service. We collect, use and store the following personal data:
• All visible information on your LinkedIn profile (including your name, gender, email address, current position, discipline, qualifications, etc.)
• All work-related information and documents which you voluntarily communicate to us through your further communication with us via LinkedIn, email, telephone, SMS
By accepting a contact request from us, we do not automatically collect, use and store your data. Only if you tell us through further communication that you are interested in our placement service / job offer.

3. Contact by email or phone
By contacting us by email you show us that you are interested in our placement service. We then collect, use and store all work-related data / information and documents that you have voluntarily provided to us so that we can best perform our referral service for you.

How and for what purpose we use your personal data

We use your personal information only to fulfill your desired placement service

How we use your personal information

We use your data exclusively for:
• You look for relevant job offers from our customers (hospitals, hospitals, MVZ, medical practices)
• To perform your requested placement service in the best possible way

How and when you give us your consent to the processing, use and storage of your personal data

The specification of all personal data is always voluntary. You give us your consent through the following activities:
• Contacting your page with one of our employees via Facebook or LinkedIn (contact request)
• Regular communication with one of our employees via LinkedIn after accepting our contact request and message from your side that you are interested in our placement service / job offers.
• Enter your data in the web form on our website
• Contact request by phone or email to or,,
You have the right to revoke your consent at any time and exercise your right of objection.

Where we store your data

We store your data exclusively on our local computers / laptops and in our email accounts.

In which cases we pass on your personal data

We only pass on your personal data to employees of our company for the fulfillment of your desired placement service, or at your request or confirmation, to third parties. Only third parties are hospitals and hospitals, medical care centers or medical practices. We assume no liability for the use of the documents provided to us by the applicants, which have been forwarded to our customers.

How long we save your personal information

We store your personal information for as long as necessary to provide the agency service you require. If you no longer wish a placement service and tell us, your data will be deleted automatically.

How we protect your personal information

We protect your personal information through technical and organizational security measures to minimize risks associated with their loss, misuse, unauthorized access, unauthorized disclosure, and modification. For this we use, for example, firewalls.

Privacy rules of third parties

This Privacy Policy applies only to the use and disclosure of personal information that we collect from you in connection with the provision of our services. If you disclose your information to third parties or if you are redirected to a third party website, the privacy policy of that third party applies. We can not guarantee the confidentiality or security of your information after you have shared it with a third party.

Your rights and how you access, control and correct your personal information
We respect your legal rights:

• You have the right to know which personal data we store about you (Art. 15 GDPR).
• Upon request, we will provide you with a copy of your personal data in a structured, common and machine-readable form (Art. 20 GDPR).
• If your personal data is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to request us to correct it or to complete it (Art. 16 GDPR).
• You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data at any time.
• You may also ask us to delete or restrict your personal information; this right is determined by applicable law. (Articles 17 and 18 DSGVO).
At your request we will delete all your personal data immediately.

Personal information from other sources includes the following information:

If you give us personally identifiable information about another person, you may do so only with their consent. You should let them know how we process their personal information in accordance with our privacy policy.

Contact us

If you have any questions or complaints about this Privacy Policy or our handling of your data, please contact us by e-mail at


This website has been created with the utmost care. Nevertheless, we can not guarantee the accuracy and accuracy of the information contained herein. Any liability for damages resulting directly or indirectly from the use of this website is excluded. If this website refers to websites of third parties, Jessica Kluge - International Recruitment is not responsible for their content or any consequences arising from their use.





Jessica Kluge
Γαλήνης 18
19023 Πόρτο Ράφτη
ΑΦΜ: 168306360